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Upload multiple photos and show them in pdf

Home Forums How to Upload multiple photos and show them in pdf

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  • #19978 Reply


    I know that currently pro2pdf does not support multiple uploads of photos. Is there a way to make this work ?

    I would like to display like up to 6 resized images next to each other in my PDF.


    #19981 Reply

    Use 6 Formidable File Upload Fields to upload 6 images. All will display on PDF as long as they are not too big. Final PDF should not be more than 5mb-6mb.

    Additionally, generating the PDF will take a bit of time, so it’s best not to email the PDF, but rather email a link to download the PDF. Otherwise, the submit button may take a long time to redirect.

    We remain at your service.

    #20198 Reply


    Thank you for your response! I worked great.
    The pictures are taken from an iPhone and uploaded one by one. The formidable, I put 500px wide for the photos. On the PDF file, they appear very pixeled..
    Is there a way to make the picture appear in better resolution on the PDF file ?

    #20199 Reply

    We have not experienced any issue with image resolution. Can you upload a sample of the merged PDF and the uploaded image here?

    We remain at your service.

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