- This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by Greg Primrose.
Greg PrimroseGuest
I am a happy customer of your product, I was wondering if you had a timeline on when you might be able to actually produce a PDF from the form data and template text, instead of filling in an existing template. I see you say it is on your future plans.
I think it would make the PDF forms look much better.
adminKeymasterWe are very close to releasing the beta version. Can you provide details of the PDF you would want to create? We are not clear with the method used for “a PDF from the form data and template text”. Are you referring to exporting a Formidable view to PDF?
We remain at your service.
Greg PrimroseGuestI can’t wait for this service.
Here is what I’m talking about.
We would define a image file to be at the top, since we send letters on letter heard.
Then we would be able to type in to a template:
Dear *Field1*
Congratulations! Your application was voted on for membership at the *field2* company meeting and the vote was favorable. You will recieve a phone call from *field3* shortly to schedule your initial meeting.
*field4*Then the program would combine everything into one nicely formatted PDF. Right now our PDFs use fill in the blanks, but because the months of the year vary in size, and names vary in size, it’s obvious that they are fill in the blank fields. I’m hoping that this new program will produce a nicely formatted document combining the field data with the template data.
adminKeymasterThe inline functionality may be accomplished now by at least three ways…
1) Use PRO2PDF’s “Formidable: Dynamic” option at the bottom of the “Webform Data Field ID” dropdown field on the Field Map Layout.
. Enter the text and field shortcodes just like your example above. (Or create a Formidable view then enter a view shortcode here)
. Add a large text field to the PDF to receive the data from the hidden field
. Map the Dynamic field to the large PDF text field.2) Use Formidable’s text calculation field.
. Add a hidden text calculation field to your form and add the text and field shortcodes just like your example as the default value.
. Add a large text field to the PDF to receive the data from the hidden field
. Map the hidden field to the large PDF text field.3) Use Formidable’s Get a Value from an Entry method to populate a second form with just one paragraph field and add the text and field shortcodes just like your example as the default value. This method is useful for re-sending the PDF to additional emails on-demand.
We remain at your service.
Greg PrimroseGuestWe do currently use inline features, but I think you may misunderstand why we are hoping for PDF generation.
Here is a sample PDF:
As you can see, it is obvious that the dates have been auto-filled and were not typed in. If the PDF had been generated in the way I described, the spacing, font, size and alignment would make it appear that the text was not auto-filled.
adminKeymasterMerging form fields using the inline methods above will not produce font or text sizes that are different from the static text, we use them everyday. Which method are you using to produce the demo.pdf and can you provide a screenshot here or email to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com?
Regarding the date field, using inline method #1, you can use PHP date formatting.
like this for 03/08/2018… [123 format=”m/d/Y”] where 123 is the date Field_ID.
or like this for Thursday, March 8th, 2018… [123 format=”l, F jS, Y”]We remain at your service.
Greg PrimroseGuestHello
As we’ve had some turnover in positions, I decided to try this out again using the method you suggested.
The dynamic field does almost exactly what we want it to do.
We have two problems; however, with are show stoppers.
1.) <br> and <p> is displayed around the address.
2.) It does not display the signatures.
Otherwise, it does exactly what we want. How can we fix these two issues?