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wonder to know if Chinese characters are supported?

Home Forums Pre-Sale wonder to know if Chinese characters are supported?

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  • #19234
    Yu XIAO

    hi Mate,
    I just wonder to know if Chinese characters are supported? I purchased the $25’s plan but found that Chinese characters are not fillable with it.


    Chinese characters are supported by changing the “Language support:” option on the field map layout to “Unicode”.

    Language Support

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    I have the same problem, and the above said solution does not work for me.

    This does not work because most common Latin fonts do not support Unicode Chinese characters, so in order to properly display Chinese, the form field in the template must use Chinese compatible font, such as Arial Unicode MS.

    However, Pro2PDF does not recognize Arial Unicode MS, and using it as a form field font will cause pdf unable to generate.


    If the above option does not work, then you’ll need to use the new E2Pdf plugin, this plugin will allow you to upload you own fonts.

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