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Weird Text output for repeatable

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Weird Text output for repeatable

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  • #36186 Reply


    I have an issue with a repeatable field in my formidable form (1 Paragraph field). It currently can be repeated 6 times exactly and when only a couple are used the non used repeatables are coming out with a database code of somesort? (Im assuming that’s what it might be?) How can i get the non used repeatable fields to populate as NULL or just blank in the PDF?

    Database code should be blank

    #36188 Reply

    #36189 Reply

    Figured it out, Looks like if you have 1 field in a repeatable field it only needs to be mapped ONCE to the PDF as opposed to mapping each item – Below is the solution to my problem. Hope this helps others! Thanks 🙂

    #36196 Reply

    Correct, the instructions and the downloadable example both include the information.

    Repeatable (Separate Fields)

    #36310 Reply
    Jackson Kern


    Can you tell me a way of display the time field as a 12 hour format as opposed to the standard 24 hour time format? I have tried multiple work arounds and got nowhere so far. Is this a feature that can be added to the base of the plugins code? Cause i cannot find anything showing how to display the time input field.

    I know the time format can be populated with a “Current” Time default field in the time field but i want it to display a specific time and not the current time.

    I did make a new thread/post asking for assistance on that but got nothing yet.

    Hope i can get the assistance i need! 🙂


    #36316 Reply

    Our apologies for the delay!

    Use these instructions to change the time/date field to any format style… and let us know if you need further assistance.

    We remain at your service.

    #36317 Reply

    Im not sure I fully understand the instructions and guide for the formatting on time as that is not fully discussed in that post you linked me. Its only references modifying the date format. I just need to understand how to setup the time formatting.

    I appreciate the response 🙂

    #36320 Reply

    Map the PDF time field to the FORMIDABLE: DYNAMIC option, then enter [xxx format="g:i a"] into the textbox below, where xxx is a field key from the form.

    Use the date format options on this page to adjust the output. Let us know if you need more assistance.

    We remain at your service.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by admin.
    #36322 Reply

    Not sure what you mean FORMIDABLE: DYNAMIC option. Thus, I dont see it within the PRO2PDF options for that field specifically. Do you mean that I need to implement dynamic field to the form then map it from there? Im just confused as to the dynamic part as both options dont lead me to a textbox to enter in [xxx format="g:i a"] Could you please elaborate more? Im sorry for the constant replies as well as Ive been tackling this head on for quite some time with no results..

    I appreciate your assistance greatly 🙂

    #36323 Reply

    Use the Formidable:Dynamic option found at the bottom of the “Webform Data Field ID” dropdown on the field map layout, see below…

    Formidable: Dynamic

    #36325 Reply

    Wow, I suppose I just have a TON of fields in this form to even realize that there was even such an option at the bottom of that scroll box. THANK YOU SO MUCH! 🙂

    #36372 Reply

    Assuming this is the post and testing a reply.

    #36362 Reply

    Is there any way doing this for Repeatable Fields? I am trying to format a number field in a repeatable form to a currency value. I am getting nothing but a blank value on my PDF upon exporting. If not is there a way of adding this to the plugin as a feature?

    The help has been amazing so far, THANK you again 🙂

    #36374 Reply

    For repeatable fields, you must ONLY map the 1st row/group of fields (All fields with a 1 at the end) the plugin will automatically populate the repeating fields that end with 2,3,4,5…

    We will double-check the formatting options and reply again.

    We remain at your service.

    #36375 Reply

    Yes, this is the post. Thank you for unlocking it 🙂

    #36376 Reply

    Confirmed, format=currency should work, let us know if you run into any issues.

    Also, it appears you first replied without logging in and the system flagged it and the rest as spam. We’ll look into the forum glitch.

    We remain at your service.

    #36377 Reply

    Much appreciated! Thank you 🙂

    #36378 Reply

    How would i set that up in the PRO2PDF options though? I have it set just like i had before its just populating a null value.

    #36379 Reply

    Provide an image of the field map layout so we may be more specific.

    We remain at your serivce.

    #36382 Reply

    It wont let me send any images or posts? I tried multiple times

    #36386 Reply


    Not sure if this helps but the images posted above is the original mapping I have gave me null values but that is the current structure of my mapping.

    #36388 Reply

    Send the screenshot to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com

    If the screenshot is the same as the above, then you MUST remove all mappings EXCEPT the mappings to PDF fields then end with a 1. ONLY map the 1s, not the 2s or 3s etc… the plugin will do that automatically.

    We remain at your service.

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