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Upgraded license

Home Forums Pre-Sale Upgraded license


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  • #4442 Reply
    Brian Tran


    I just upgraded my trial license via the upgrade button on your website:

    – 40 forms, 2 sites.
    – License Code: *****HIDDEN*****
    – $ 39 USD
    – Invoice ID: 25-OLI

    I have not received anything as yet. I assume it is an automated process? If you could kindly check the status that would be great. Thanks,

    Brian Tran

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by admin.
    #4444 Reply

    The upgrade process is not yet automated, we’re working on that. Check again, your key should be working now and for the delay I’ve added an additional day to the expiration date.

    We remain at your service.

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