tax forms

Home Forums Pre-Sale tax forms

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  • #934 Reply
    Michael Jenkins

    I need for my members to be able to fill out, digital sign and send or print a W9 or W2 tax form embeded on my wordpress site.

    #936 Reply

    Sounds like you found the right plugin!
    Here’s an overview of what steps you can take;

    1. Using Formidable Form’s plugin – create one form with fields for all the required information to complete both tax forms. (Note: You must submit at least dataset record to use the PRO2PDF plugin)
    2. Using – add PDF Form Fields to blank W-9 and W-2 forms.
    3. Using Formidable PRO2PDF  – upload the PDF Forms and create two Field Maps – one for each PDF Form.
    4. Place both PRO2PDF shortcodes in the Formidable Form’s On-Submit message, but change the dataset=’xx’ to dataset=[id] so the user can download, print or email their forms.

    Let us know which steps you need more detailed instructions.


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