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Short Code Placement

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  • #979 Reply
    Doug Janchik

    Having Trouble placing the short code…. I get to the end of the video and it says to place short code in Messages but my Messages does not look like yours… confused where it goes ???? My submit button looks like this :

    <div class=”frm_submit”>
    [if back_button]<input type=”button” value=”[back_label]” name=”frm_prev_page” formnovalidate=”formnovalidate” class=”frm_prev_page” [back_hook] />[/if back_button]
    <input type=”submit” value=”[button_label]” [button_action] />
    [if save_draft][draft_label][/if save_draft]

    #981 Reply

    According to the example in your question, you are attempting to place the shortcode in the Formidable Form’s CUSTOMIZE HTML area, which is not the correct location.

    Instead, place your shortcode in the Formidable Form’s SETTINGS >> GENERAL (tab) >> ON SUBMIT MESSAGE (text box) and please let us know if you require further assistance.

    #985 Reply
    Doug Janchik

    Like This:
    [formidable-download form=”ns4il0″ dataset=[id] layout=”3″] Your responses were successfully submitted. Thank you!

    #987 Reply

    Correct! You’ll then see a link to download the filled-in PDF Form – with the data that was just entered into the Formidable Form – followed by “Your responses were successfully submitted. Thank you!”.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by admin.
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