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Seperate Values not working with this plugin

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Seperate Values not working with this plugin

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  • #9801 Reply

    I have been corresponding with Steph Wells regarding an issue I was having with Formidable where all seperate values entered defaulted to -1. This issue was resolved after I deactivated your plugin. Steph has suggested that I report this to you to see if you can resolve the issue.
    I would really like to be able to use your plugin to generate PDFs from the information supplied in the forms.
    Many thanks

    #9802 Reply

    Happy to assist! We use the separate values function all the time and have not experienced the issue you are referring to, we would need to login to your installation to troubleshoot the cause. Please complete this form to provide access.

    We remain at your service.

    #9803 Reply

    Thanks. I have completed the form. The site is in its infancy at present! Ultimately, would like the details from the consent form to be downloaded on PDF.
    This issue is that your plugin seems to stop me using seperate values on the demographics form.

    #9806 Reply

    We were able to successfully create this form with a checkbox, radio button, and dropdown list all with separate values and this PDF Field Map Layout merge to the demo provided with the plugin. See merge example here.

    We were unable to locate any fields in the Consent Form or the Demographics form that were set to use separate values. Please provide a link to the support thread so that we may better understand the issue you are experiencing.

    We remain at your service.

    #9807 Reply

    Thanks for looking into this for me.
    I have had another go at creating the seperate values and it now seems to work!
    Here is the link to the discussion on Formidable website:

    #9808 Reply

    Great news!

    The Formidable discussion was marked private. Can you post there that all is well?

    We remain at your service.

    #9809 Reply

    Done! Thanks for your help.

    #9810 Reply

    FYI… We have seen the Formidable -1 issue arise from a browser cache error. But you’d see the same result if you try to add a new field and would be fixed by logging out/in to WP.

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