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  • #16832 Reply
    Heather wollenslegel

    I wrote a while back and never got a response back about if you have some sort of walk through. I have tried the free version and it just doesn’t ever seem to work at all. We are very interested is purchasing this third party plugin but we cant figure it out.

    #16833 Reply

    Here’s the demo video.

    How to Create a Field Map Layout…

    1. Create a PDF form. It’s best to name the fields the same as the Formidable Fields Name or Keys
    2. Check the “Enable automated layout creation for new field maps” option on the SETTINGS tab.
    3. Upload the PDF to the plugin as shown on the demo video.
    4. From the EXPORT tab, enter a name into the “Name of Field Map (will be used as default filename):” field
    5. Select your PDF form in the “Select PDF file to work with:” dropdown field.
    6. Select your Formidable Form in the “Select Form to work with:” dropdown field.
    7. Click the “Create Field Map Layout” button.

    That’s the basics, check our documentation for field specific issues, or search the FAQ for terms or issues.

    Let us know if you get stuck or need further direction.

    We remain at your service.

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