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Question about interactive PDF on Formidable PRO2PDF

Home Forums Pre-Sale Question about interactive PDF on Formidable PRO2PDF

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  • #12184 Reply


    Yesterday, I downloaded and activated a trial verision Formidable PRO2PDF and Formidable Forms becouse I would like to use there to interactive PDF (form with the possibility of data entry). Will Formidable PRO2PDF allow viewer interactive PDF document on website, as PDFescape?

    Please describe this step by step.

    Best Regards,

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Denis.
    #12186 Reply

    PRO2PDF will fill your PDF Form with data from a Formidable form, but will not make the PDF ‘interactive’ as PDFEscape.

    Let us know what you are trying to accomplish and we’ll let you know how best to use the plugin.

    We remain at your service.

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