IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

problems view PDFs

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  • #49337 Reply

    I’ve updated to latest Formidable Form and formidablepro2PDF

    the PDF’s stopped working 🙁

    It seems it stopped working on 3 days ago (on Saturday?)

    what happened?
    how to fix it?

    I can’t view/export the PDF.
    the Form gives me: We’re sorry. It looks like you’ve already submitted that.

    but its new, unique data?

    odd situation: do you know the problem (I see update the plugin on Saturday?)

    i need to get the PDFs working again

    #49341 Reply

    The error “We’re sorry. It looks like you’ve already submitted that.” comes from Formidable Forms, not PRO2PDF. It sounds like you are unable to submit the Formidable Form.

    Try testing from the PRO2PDF EXPORT tab to check the functionality of PRO2PDF, and let us know if you receive an error.

    If the PRO2PDF export works, take a look at this Formidable Forms post”We’re sorry. It looks like you’ve already submitted that.” and contact Formidable Forms support regarding that specific error.

    We remain at your service.

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