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pdf view en navegador

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  • #16395 Reply
    Hugo Arturo

    buen día me gustaría saber si existe la opción de no descargar directamente el pdf sino visualizarlo solamente en el navegador?

    #16396 Reply

    Yes, use the inline parameter found on the Shortcode Parameters page.

    We remain at your service.

    #16408 Reply
    Hugo Arturo

    buen día solo veo

    ownload – The merged PDF file will automatically download to users computer or mobile device. And will not open in the browser window.
    Usage: download=”auto”
    title – The label for link to the merged PDF. If not specified, this defaults to “Download”.
    Usage: title=”Click Here to Download”
    class – Style the merged PDF’s link.
    Usage: class = “my_button”

    te comento lo que quiero es solo visualizar directamente el pdf cuando se llene el formulario en el navegador, no deescargarlo de manera inmediata

    #16412 Reply

    You must login to the site to view all the parameters.

    We remain at your service.

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