- This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 9 months ago by admin.
Keith LevyGuest
With the $2 trial its seems that my PDF does not load like the Youtube demo, I don’t see the PDF file as it’s displayed on the demo on the left to map.
I would like to see if it works before I buy.Kind Regards
KeithadminKeymasterAre you uploading a ‘fillable’ PDF form? If yes, is it a LiveCycle PDF?
Are you able to send the PDF to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com for evaluation?
We remain at your service.
Keith LevyGuestHi Admin
I sent 3 sample fillable PDF, look forward to you response.
KeithadminKeymasterWe did not receive your email. Please double check the spelling and forward to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com.
We remain at your service.
Keith LevyGuestsupport@formidablepro2pdf.com
iS the email I usedKeith LevyGuestIs that correct
adminKeymasterStill not received, but we are receiving other mail. Our apologies for the inconvenience, please upload the docs to our support form here.
There are no *required fields on the form, only enter what you need us to review.
adminKeymasterThe PDF files were created in InDesign and are locked.
To convert them to unlocked Acrobat PDFs, upload each to the free version of PDFEscape.com, right-click on any one field, select “UNLOCK”, then download by clicking the green double arrows on the left. Repeat for each PDF.
We’ve unlocked the SOA form for you and attached to an email reply. We remain at your service.