PDF as attachment

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  • #16331 Reply
    WEB Master

    I have a Formidable Form and on submission I want to create a PDF filled with data from that form. Merging works as expected, but I receive shortcodes for direct download or a download link. But I do not want to download the PDF; is should only be sent as attachment to an email notification specified in the action settings af the form. On the support site of Strategy11 I found a solution to add an attachment to such an email by adding a filter fot the frm_notification_attachment, but then I need the filename of the attachment. But I do not know that name. Could you please indicate what I am missing?

    #16336 Reply

    The PRO2PDF plugin provides an attachment setting on each field map layout, label “Attach file to Email notifications”. Once selected, all Email Notifications for the form will appear and allow you to select which notifications to attach the PDF to.

    We remain at your service.

    #16451 Reply
    WEB Master

    Ok, but in my case I have a form, say form A, from which I will generate 3 PDF files. The submit button of this form does not send email notifications, but redirects the user to another page on which there are 3 forms. Each of this 3 forms contains a submit button that sends an email when pressed and that email should have an attachment being one of the PDF generated from form A.
    On your site I found a post in which a $ 10 plugin is mentioned that adds the capability to save the generated PDF; that could be a solution for me, but I cannot find where to obtain that plugin (if it still exists).

    #16452 Reply

    In this case we add hidden fields to the second form(s) and use Formidable’s “Get Values from Entries” shortcode to populate the hidden fields with the values from Form A, then map the PDF to second form’s hidden fields so the PDF attachment will send with the second form’s submit button.

    Click here if you’d rather purchase the add-on to save PDFs to a folder on the server.

    We remain at your service.

    #16453 Reply
    WEB Master

    Thanks for your response. I realized a second problem: when I create a field map I receive a shortcode for download link or direct download. But in order to use that I have to fill the field specifying the message that will be show when the submitbutton is pressed. But I do not want such a message, rather a redirect eventually after executing a payment action triggered by the submit button. Is it possible not to have the on submit message and where should I place shortcode to generate the PDF and how looks that shortcode?

    #16454 Reply

    Place the shortcode into a Formidable View, then use the view shortcode anywhere in WP.

    We remain at your service.

    #16505 Reply
    WEB Master

    Thanks for your advise. I finally concluded to use a page containing the main form that the user should fill. Then redirect to a second page which will contain a Formidable View containing the shortcode to generate the PDF. I found in your How to section the perfect scenario (How to: Use the Shortcode in a Page or Post). I want the generated file to be saved in order to attach it to an email related to a submit button in another form. So last Saturday I used the link you supplied, ordered and payed the ‘safe file’ plugin and received a message promising follow up instructions within 24 hours (but mostly a couple of minutes). Now it is Tuesday and I am not aware of any information to get, install and use the plugin. . .

    #16552 Reply
    WEB Master

    Now I received the Save PDF Add-on I detected an unexpected behavior: I have page A containing form A into which the user enters some data. On pressing Submit the user is redirected to page B that contains a View to generate a PDF as described in your How to: Use the Shortcode in a Page or Post. That works as expected. On page B there is a Submit button that should send an email to which that PDF is attached. But that attachment is missing UNLESS I first press the download link OR specified download=”auto” in the shortcode to create the PDF. So the save does not work if the file is not already downloaded.

    #17067 Reply
    WEB Master

    To clarify my last post, which is still not answered, I want no download link, no automatic download, only the saved file.

    #17074 Reply

    Based on the description of the workflow, the PDF is created after the user clicks submit on Form A, which saves the PDF, Form B has no data and therefore would not create a PDF. We are not sure how to advise you regarding this issue and the described workflow, this may be outside standard support and may require paid support.

    Why is the PDF from Form A not the correct PDF to attach to Form B’s email?

    We remain at your service.

    #17116 Reply
    WEB Master

    From your answer I learned that I did not explain correctly the workflow. So I will try to describe the basic process more accurate.
    I start with page A containing form A. On that page no formidable-download shortcode is present, so pressing the submit button cannot generate a PDF. The action specified for the submit button is redirection to page B using currentid=[id] as a parameter. On page B there is no form and no submit button, but essentially only a formidable view containing the shortcode
    [formidable-download form=”ph3qh442″ dataset=[id] layout=”1003″ filename=[595] title=”test”]
    Now the link “test” is displayed, but no PDF is saved. When this link is pressed I get the option to save or open the PDF and independent from the choice (even cancel is ok) a file with the name {595] is saved on the server.
    My point is: I do not want to see the link, but only want the generated PDF to be saved on the server.
    Hope this helps to recognize my problem.

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