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  • #937 Reply


    On the pricing table, there appears to be a conflict and I just wondered if you could clarify please.

    On the $25 option, the bullet points say up to 10 forms and up to 10 sites but the heading says 1 site 10 forms. When clicking more it also says 1 site 10 forms.

    The same applies to the $40 option. It says upto 40 sites but the other information says 1 site.

    Could you clarify if any of them can be used on multiple sites please or whether all options are for one site.

    Many thanks


    #938 Reply

    Hi Adrian,
    We will soon revise the multisite rates, but for now you can note the number of sites you want to make active in the comment section of your order, which will be processed manually. For now, you can request any combination of sites to forms, for example, with the 1 Site – 10 Forms option you could request;
    10 Sites – 1 Form or
    6 Sites – 5 Forms or
    2 Sites – 9 Forms
    And the same would be for the 1 Site – 40 Forms.

    You may also request additional forms at $1 each.

    This service offering is intended to allow developers to include the service in many projects. We realize this is confusing and are working to develop a solution.

    #942 Reply

    Not a problem, that works out just fine for me. Will purchase later today.

    Many thanks


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