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Nothing Showing in PDF First Time

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  • #9329 Reply

    Hello. I have my form mapped to a test pdf with two fields. When I click the download after the submit… the form is blank. I have tried multiple options. Any idea? I followed step by step. Created the PDF in adobe acrobat

    #9330 Reply

    does this not work with lookup repeatable fields?

    #9331 Reply

    With no formating on, repeatable seperates, carriage coma etc… i get this returned: a:2:{i:0;i:282;i:1;i:283;} on the pdf

    with regular repeat format on i get nothing….blank.

    I have the lookup fields in a repeatable section….

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Ryan.
    #9334 Reply

    got it working i believe for now. Only thing is the ids in the format box i have them as i would like them just size by side [232][323] but “added” repeats aren’t going to the next line line in your demo. They just keep continuing. Please advise

    #9337 Reply

    Lookup fields have been tested today on our server and are confirmed to work as expected within repeating sections using both the repeatable and repeatable (separate fields) formats.

    We are willing to login and take a look at your mapping if you complete this form. If not possible, then please email the PDF Form and a complete screenshot of the field map layout with the form, a dataset and the layout selected to support AT formidablepro2pdf DOT com.

    We remain at your service.

    #9338 Reply

    “repeats aren’t going to the next line line in your demo”

    Press enter on the keyboard after your field id shortcodes to add a line space below the fields in the format box, like this…

    <-----(Enter and empty line space here)---->
    |<-----(Cursor should be blinking down here)---->

    See the screenshot on the repeatable field page for more information.

    We remain at your service.

    #9339 Reply

    I am putting in the id as instructed and hitting enter twice. The id’s are still not going to the other line.

    You cannot put in html in the format box right? Trying to align the one id to the left and the other to the far right…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Ryan.
    #9340 Reply

    Happy to hear you got it!

    Correct, PDF fields are not compatible with HTML. You only have spaces to work with.

    We remain At Your Service

    #9342 Reply

    Sorry I jumped the gun…
    I am putting in the id as instructed and hitting enter twice. The id’s are still not going to the other line.
    You cannot put in html in the format box right? Trying to align the one id to the left and the other to the far right…

    What I have is:
    [6825] [6823] [6829]

    Blinking here

    Pdf has a large text input box…

    #9343 Reply

    multi line wasn’t selected in the properties on the pdf! 🙂

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