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Not able to display graph in pdf

Home Forums How to Not able to display graph in pdf

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  • #33873 Reply
    Vikas Nagaraj

    I am using formidable pro 2 pdf, great tool for displaying data to users. however I am trying to insert a graph with user data in the pdf and for that i select webform data feild ID as: Formidable dynamic and paste my graph sort code. when I export the pdf, in the text fields the sortcode is converted into html and it does not display graph image, is there any way i can do it? please help.

    #33895 Reply

    PRO2PDF does not (and will not ever) render HTML as a graphical display. Our newest plugin, E2Pdf, will eventually render graphs, however, not currently.

    In the past, we have achieved dynamic graphs in PDF with the data from Formidable Forms using Javascript for Acrobat.

    We remain at your service.

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