IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!

No response after support request

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Ted.
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  • #10346 Reply
    Ted Robert Sneed

    I submitted a request last week for a bit of help with the check box functions of the pro2pdf and have not heard anything from anyone in anyway since. Please respond. I’m at a stand still waiting for your help.


    #10347 Reply

    We replied to your email Sep 29 at 10:15 AM with the information below… Let us know if you’d like us to resend with the revised PDF attached.

    Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 10:15 AM
    To provided examples of checkbox and radio button fields, we made the following corrections to the PDF Form’s “Current Address” and “Check all that apply” fields…
    “Current Address” (Radio Button field)
    – Named all radio buttons the same, “Current Address”
    – Changed the “Export Values” to match the Formidable options (they were all set to ‘Yes’)

    “Check all that apply” (Checkboxes field)
    – Changed the “Export Values” to match the Formidable options (they were all set to ‘Yes’)

    … and, we made the following changes to the Formidable Form “Current Address” field…
    – Changed the field type to Radio Button (for single selection functionality)

    …and, we made the following corrections to the Field Map Layout, and renamed the field map to “ApplicationMerge”…
    – Mapped [156] Type of Residents to the one “Current Address” PDF radio button field
    – Mapped [196] Check all that apply 4 times to all 4 related and uniquely named PDF Checkboxes
    – Deleted all additional field map layouts for the “Application to Rent” form (duplicates and abandoned field map layouts may cause email attachment issues)
    – Checked the “Limit Field Map to use Dropdown” option under Settings (best setting to know which field maps belong to which Formidable forms)

    Revised PDF is attached and has been uploaded to the site.
    Example Merge
    Field Map Layout

    What’s left to be done?
    – Change the Formidable field type of all remaining single option fields to Radio Button.
    – Change the PDF “Export Values” to match the Formidable options (they were all set to ‘Yes’)
    – Map Radio Button fields One to One
    – Map Checkbox fields One to Many
    – Consider changing the word “Residents” to Residence to reflect the data in the checkbox options. – Just say’n! 😉

    We remain at your service.

    #10350 Reply

    Thanks for the response. Looks like it got lost in the spam box.
    Also would you mind redacting my forum post of personal info.
    Thank you.

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