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I need to login to the site – need help

Home Forums Pre-Sale I need to login to the site – need help

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  • #20172 Reply
    Sarah Johnson

    I need to renew my license key for the website the5-minute*******.com, and can’t login. I have reset my password successfully three times, but I cannot use the new password that I set to login to renew the key.

    Please help!

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by admin.
    #20175 Reply

    Our apologies for the issues you are having with the renewal process. As a courtesy we have reactivated and extended the license through tomorrow to allow you time to renew the key.

    Your password has been manually reset, tested, and all appears to be working correctly. The temporary credentials were sent to the email address on the account.

    We remain at your service.

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