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I have a problem with the keys

Home Forums Pre-Sale I have a problem with the keys

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  • #20153 Reply
    Martin Bissig

    I have problem with these keys. I can’t really deactive or acitvate them.

    can you pls deactivate these?


    #20156 Reply

    Click here to login to your account on the plugin’s website to deactivate and manage the keys. Let us know if you have any issues logging in.

    We remain at your service.

    #20157 Reply

    I have tried this but it didn’t work. Something is messed up. Even though I try to register a licence key that is valid I only have 1 form that I can use.

    Can you pls check?

    #20158 Reply

    We have reviewed the accounts, the first has expired and the second is working as expected. You may renew the expired account by logging in on the plugin’s website and clicking the Renewal button.

    Regarding the active key, try disabling the key on the Plugin’s website, then enter the key on the WordPress site, let us know specifically what, if any, issue(s) you have.

    We remain at your service.

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