Hoping you have an idea! – Need to download a batch of entries

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  • #18063 Reply

    Hey Team, My customer needs me to provide him with the entries in his site on PDF that he’s completed in the past year – I started downloading them one by one, then realized it’s really going to take me forever…There’s 400 or so entries that I need to merge/download. Oh, Pretty please, tell me you have an idea, any idea at all on how I can do this instead of one by one…?

    If it’s helpful, I recently purchased the save to server add-on from you guys if I can utilize this somehow to get this done faster.

    Thank you!!

    #18129 Reply

    Hi Team, Any word on this? I managed to get my archive together manually by updating each form and letting the email notification send the PDF to my email, then it was a matter of saving each one to my computer….But….it took me a long time to do. I’m now going to have to provide a monthly ‘batch’ to my customer, so really hoping there’s a way better than this.

    I used to just have a copy of the form sent to one of my email boxes at each create/update, then at the end of the month just save them all in a batch. Unfortunately that will no longer work for me because my customer often updates his entries, so his monthly batch would end up with multiple versions of the same entry, instead of just the most recent.


    #18130 Reply

    Hi Guys, I ended up finding some others asking about this, looks like it’s not easily done. 🙁

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