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Hide license key on all sub-sites

Home Forums How to Hide license key on all sub-sites

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  • #16299 Reply

    We have unlimited sites and forms. We have WP multisite that every user has own sub-site WP with all available plugin. That mean every users can see license key on their sub-site.
    How we can hide this license key for costumer except main site?

    Because main site we are the only one who admin on it.

    It will be nice to hide Activated forms section on all sub-sits except main site. As shown in below image.

    Hide Activated forms

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by FLP.
    #16309 Reply

    For multisite installs, each sub-site must activate the plugin and the network plugin must be deactivated. With this configuration the Activated Forms tab should only show the sub-site’s forms, not all forms.

    Complete this form if there is still an issue after configuring the server as above and we may take a look at your installation to further review the issue.

    We remain at your service.

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