Formidable crashed

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  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by John Anderson.
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  • #17851 Reply
    John Anderson

    Over the weekend Formidable crashed and required an emergency minor bug fix. I applied this manually (3.0.1) and the form system came back up again.

    But it broke FormidablePro PDF.

    Your system told me I had run out of licenses. So I disconnected everything and tried reconnecting but its not working now. The link to the pdf now shows as shortcode. ie: [formidable-download form="tzxmr" dataset=44169 layout="1000" title="Download Certificate" class="et_pb_button et_pb_button_0 et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light"]

    Can you please help this is a live system and the client will be very unhappy. I can provide you url and login details once I know this help question is private.

    Thank you,


    #17853 Reply

    Complete this form to provide site credentials.

    We remain at your service.

    #17854 Reply

    PRO2PDF has been tested and confirmed to be working with the newest release of Formidable Forms (3.0.1). You may need to disable other plugins to check for a conflict.

    We remain at your service.

    #17855 Reply
    John Anderson

    Yes I’m sure your plugin is fine. I don’t think its a conflict. But I’ve can’t get the link working and need you to take a quick look.

    #17856 Reply
    John Anderson

    I’ve filled in the form providing you with access to the wordpress site. What I need your help with is the shortcode to generate the PDF. The View I’m using is ID 1024 ‘viewDownloadCertificate’

    In PRO2PDF I am selecting the form of ‘Assessment Quiz’ and have a Field Map called ‘Vodafone Assessment Certificate’.

    it suggests short code for Download link or Button as
    [formidable-download form="tzxmr" dataset="44246" layout="1000" download="auto"]

    The view contains the following which I think gets the [id] of the current form/login id/post$ and also has some css class names for formating as a button.
    [formidable-download form=”tzxmr” dataset=[id] layout=”1000″ title=”Download Certificate” class=”et_pb_button et_pb_button_0 et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light”]

    When I try calling the View with a shortcode of: [display-frm-data id="1024" title="Click Here" class="VHA_btn"]

    The full code in the View is displayed.
    [formidable-download form=”tzxmr” dataset=[id] layout=”1000″ title=”Download Certificate” class=”et_pb_button et_pb_button_0 et_pb_module et_pb_bg_layout_light”]

    But I need this to be a button. and I’m not sure why this is not displaying as a button now. Its behaving as if PRO2PDF is not activated.

    #17858 Reply

    We have not been able to duplicate the issue, the shortcode is working as expected for our tests. Are you able provide an example or further instructions on how to duplicate the issue?

    We remain at your service.

    #17861 Reply
    John Anderson

    The issue has resolved. Thank you for taking the time to investigate.

    Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

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