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Error when pdf gets generated

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Error when pdf gets generated

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  • #18544 Reply

    I am getting the following error when trying to either download or preview the pdf from the admin as well as when viewing it in an email…

    There was an error generating the PDF file.
    Your server wasn’t able to upload PDF file: Could not resolve host name or service not known

    Any ideas why this is happening?

    #18545 Reply

    Is the plugin installed on a an intranet server or the internet server?

    If intranet, you’ll need to enable the “Enable local PDFTK” option on the plugin’s SETTINGS tab.

    If internet, was the plugin ever working on the server, if so, what has changed since the plugin worked?

    We remain at your service.

    #18546 Reply

    It is installed on an Internet server. It’s a dedicated server hosted with Rackspace. The plugin has been working for over a year now so I’m not sure what may have changed recently. I have tried a lot of different troubleshooting methods and no luck. I also just tried to find that setting you mentioned but I don’t see a settings page anywhere.

    #18547 Reply

    I found the settings tab, enabled local PDFTK and i’m still getting the error unfortunately.

    #18548 Reply

    Complete this form if it is possible for us to take a look at the installation.

    If not possible, try creating a PDF with only one field and a new Formidable Form with one field, then map and test. Let us know if the result is the same of a different message.

    We remain at your service.

    #18549 Reply

    Hi, I just figured out the issue. After restarting some php services on our server it’s not working as it should. Sorry for the false alarm!

    #18550 Reply

    Correction… It’s *now working as it should

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