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Do you ever plan, or will you sell a truly unlimited license?

Home Forums Pre-Sale Do you ever plan, or will you sell a truly unlimited license?

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  • #1208 Reply
    Dan Sockrider

    I would like unrestricted Formidable to PDF access. I want my customers (who will be using Formidable to complete ecommerce transactions) to be able to print receipts.

    There are post/page pdf plugins, but I would like to stay “in the family” so to speak, with consideration to Formidable family products.

    I will need for my clients to have the ability to print receipts. There would be unlimited forms, views, and users in this model.

    I am happy to pay, but that is what my pdf generation needs are.

    #1211 Reply

    We’ll create a $99 license that will be unlimited sites/forms – should be available by the end of business today.

    #1233 Reply
    #1235 Reply

    Thanks for using the PRO2PDF support forum – save 10% on any unlimited use version with this code at purchase “forum10“.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by admin.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by admin.
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