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Copy/paste field name + data as plain text

Home Forums Pre-Sale Copy/paste field name + data as plain text

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  • #7865 Reply

    The plugin seems very promising.

    We are planning to add new service to our site providing sort of fill-in-service. However, we do not wish all visitors be able to save their data into our WP-dbas. We wish to offer them possibility to clipboard-copy / save their own data as plain text (i.e. each filed name + corresponding data in one line).

    That text should be reusable for next time that person is filling the same form/application. The most ideal way of reusing that text is to copy all the text to clipboard and paste into new (unfilled) form with one click.

    Is this possible?

    #7867 Reply

    “clipboard-copy / save their own data as plain text” is possible with the Views function in Formidable Forms. This plugin strictly merges Formidable Form fields to PDF form fields.

    However, “reusing that text is to copy all the text to clipboard and paste into new (unfilled) form with one click. Is this possible?“, no we don’t think so… anywhere, with any web form tool – but sounds like a useful idea – let us know if you find something.

    We remain at your service, regarding dynamic pdf forms from WordPress forms, using Formidable Forms.

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