- This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by admin.
I have the Formidable Forms Pro and a paid trial copy of FormidablePro2PDF.
I cannot get the checkboxes to work. Note, I have a text field and that works fine. Here’s what I have done.
Opened PDF in Acrobat (latest) on Mac
Clicked on Prepare Form
Entered a checkbox – named it checkbox1
Saved the PDF
Uploaded to WordPress in the Field Map settings. I see the checkbox show up as red when I go to map it.
I have a single checkbox on my form. Does it need to have a special Field Key value?
I have mapped the checkboxes option to my checbox1 in the field map. I have saved the map.No matter what I do, the checkbox is never checked in the PDF.
Is there something I’m doing wrong in Acrobat? Is there a step I’m missing.
KevinGuestOk, I might be getting somewhere.
It looks like in the PDF in Acrobat – I have to enter the value from my Form in WordPress in the Export Value section? When I do this, a check is placed in the box.
Is there anyway of tying this to a field value or ID instead of the value of the form checkbox? For example, in my case the form field checkbox has this for a value (label)
Section 604(a)(1). As ordered by a court or federal grand jury subpoena.
That whole string has to be entered in the PDF. What if we want to slightly change the wording on the form? We’d have to edit the PDF each time.
Anyway around this?
adminKeymasterThe way around using the Formidable Field “label” is using the Formidable Pro Checkbox/Radio Button “Separate values” function. Check the “Use separate values” checkbox and then you can set the value to 1,2,3 or anything else. Paste the same value in the PDF field’s ‘Export Value’. Then, you can change the option label without affecting the PDF data merge.
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