Alternative to ForGravity's "Fillable PDFs" plugin?

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    We recently jumped ship from Gravity to Formidable.
    We are now trying to find a replacement for the Fillable PDF’s plugin from ForGravity.

    Basically, these are the features that we need:

    1- we need site visitors to complete gravity form and then the plugin to automatically generate a PDF (custom PDF) where some of the fields will be completed with the entries in the Gravity form.

    2- the PDF will be two pages long.

    3- Adding incremental number:
    On the first AND second page, we would need to add an incremental number for every new PDF that is generated (after someone completes the form).
    So, first generated PDF should (for example) receive nr. 1. Next one generated should receive number 2. etc… Is that possible? Is there a way with Formidable Forms to achieve this?

    4- Choice of PDFs:
    Is it possible to have the option between 2 PDF’s after someone completed the Formidable Form?
    Let me explain…
    We would add a field to the Formidable Form like ” do you chose X or Y?” Where they need to select either X or Y… If they selected X in the form: we provide PDF X if they selected Y in the form, we provide PDF Y. Is this possible?

    5- Editable PDF:
    Once a PDF is generated, they need to be able to download it first.
    Some fields of the PDF will be completed with the info they’ve provided in the Formidable Form.
    Other (editable) fields will still be empty.
    Now the question is: Is it possible to generate the PDF in such a way that they can still edit and complete only these few empty (editable) fields themselves (on their computer)?
    Is this possible?

    Your feedback would be much appreciated.
    Also, if the above are possible, can you please provide me with a quote? Or explain which plan i’m looking at when we know that they’re looking at approx 1000 submissions per month?

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