IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!


  • From the Embedded Form, add a hidden field and enter “fpro2pdf-field-hidden” into the “CSS layout classes” of the field. (This will be the “Entry ID” of the second dataset)
  • From the PRO2PDF SETTINGS TAB – select the Embedded Form and Hidden “Entry ID” Field from the Embedded Forms dropdown lists -then click “Save Changes”.
  • Open the main form and submit test data to both forms.
  • From the PRO2PDF EXPORT TAB – Create a Layout map from the Embed Form to the same PDF Form as the main form.
  • From the PRO2PDF EXPORT TAB – Select the Main Form, any dataset and the Field Map Layout for the main form.
  • add-second-datasetFrom the PRO2PDF EXPORT TAB – Click “Add a second dataset”, then select the Embed Form, any dataset and the Field Map Layout for the Embed Form.
  • Copy the Shortcode and paste into the main form’s On Submit message, then change the dataset=”xx” to dataset=[id] and change the dataset2=”xx” to dataset2=[HiddenFieldNumber] (Where “HiddenFieldNumber” is the Formidable Field number from step 1 above.)
  • Embedded Form data will now be included in the dynamic pdf file.
Mapping Formidable Fields to PDF Fields

Mapping Formidable Fields to PDF Fields

This live demo maps Formidable Form fields to PDF form fields and provides examples of dynamic shortcode settings. Test any or all fields.

Free Version Fields

(Enter email address to receive PDF file on submit when option below is checked.)
    HTML Field

Not Visible, Always Present Fields


Formidable Signature Add-on

Pro Version Fields

Maximum file size: 268.44MB


Embed Form (Second Dataset)

Repeatable Section

Change Shortcode Settings Dynamically

(Examples of changing the plugin shortcode settings using form fields)
     (Default = No Password)
(Default = NO)
       (Default = Name of Field Map Layout )
(Default Set in Field Map Layout )
(Default = "Download")


Here's the dynamic shortcode for this form, located in the On Submit Message Box:

Shortcode in OnSubmit Message

Here's how we dynamically send an email to the address in the email field above:

Dynamic Send To Email Notification

Also using this Conditional Logic:

Dynamic Send To Email Conditional Logic

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