IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please DOWNLOAD and update the Formidable PRO2PDF to the Latest Version!
checkboxes field


  • Text Field
  • Checkbox Field
  • Radio Button Field
  • Dropdown Field


Format Dropdown List from the Field Map Designer screen
Format Dropdown List from the Field Map Designer screen


Images are from the live demo below;

  • To combine multi-selection responses from a Formidable Checkboxes field into one PDF Textbox…
    1. Map the Formidable Checkboxes field to any PDF Text box.
    2. Multi-selection results will be separated by commas when merged to a PDF Text box.
    3. Optionally, when Formidable’s “Separate values” option is selected, use the Format dropdown to merge the Checkboxes field labels by selecting “Show label for checkbox/select list/”.
  • To configure Formidable’s Checkbox fields for “Multi-Select” values…
    1. Enter a unique name for each PDF Checkbox.
    2. Change the “Value” of each PDF Checkbox to match one “Value” of the Formidable Checkbox. Or…
from PDF Form - Checkbox Field Settings

3. Map the one Formidable Checkbox to each of the PDF Checkboxes – the plugin will do the rest.

Checkbox Demo Field Map
Mapping Formidable Fields to PDF Fields

Mapping Formidable Fields to PDF Fields

This live demo maps Formidable Form fields to PDF form fields and provides examples of dynamic shortcode settings. Test any or all fields.

Free Version Fields

(Enter email address to receive PDF file on submit when option below is checked.)
    HTML Field

Not Visible, Always Present Fields


Formidable Signature Add-on

Pro Version Fields

Maximum file size: 268.44MB


Embed Form (Second Dataset)

Repeatable Section

Change Shortcode Settings Dynamically

(Examples of changing the plugin shortcode settings using form fields)
     (Default = No Password)
(Default = NO)
       (Default = Name of Field Map Layout )
(Default Set in Field Map Layout )
(Default = "Download")


Here's the dynamic shortcode for this form, located in the On Submit Message Box:

Shortcode in OnSubmit Message

Here's how we dynamically send an email to the address in the email field above:

Dynamic Send To Email Notification

Also using this Conditional Logic:

Dynamic Send To Email Conditional Logic

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