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Printing with various software

Home Forums Bugs and Troubleshooting Printing with various software

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  • #15464 Reply
    Brett F


    Your plugin is awesome! The problem I’m having is that some end users of the form don’t use Acrobat as their default software for PDF’s. When the form is opened in anything other than Acrobat, then printed, the physical printed copy is nothing like it’s meant to be. If opened in Acrobat, then printed it is perfect. In both cases on-screen is perfect.

    Any clues on what I can do to make the experience better for our end-users?


    #15466 Reply

    We have not experienced any issues with PDFs not working in other than Adobe programs, nor have any users reported any issues, so at this point we don’t have any suggestions.

    . What are the specific issues users are experiencing and with which program(s)?
    . Are users able to install Acrobat Reader to work-around the issue?

    We remain at your service.

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