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Custom E-Mail Attachment Name

Home Forums How to Custom E-Mail Attachment Name

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  • #9161 Reply

    Is there a way to add custom “PDF Filename in E-mails”? For example, someone submits a form I want to name it “Reporting Form.pdf” but to differentiate each file, I would like to customize it with some of the fields so it is “LastName Reporting Form.pdf”. I tried subbing in the field ID but that just puts the ID number in there which doesn’t help. Any insight would be appreciated!

    #9164 Reply

    Attachment filenames cannot be renamed dynamically for each submission, however, you may place the shortcode with the filename parameter in the body of the email to dynamically rename the PDF through a download link.

    Let us know if you need more assistance with the shortcode link option. We remain at your service.

    #9202 Reply
    Eric Smoyer

    Good deal. Thanks. Any chance of adding that as a feature in the future? Thanks again!

    #13314 Reply

    FYI – We have added dynamic filename functionality to the Field Map Layout. You may now enter Formidable field shortcodes as well as static text into the “PDF file name in e-mails:” text box located just below the “Attach file to Email notifications” option on each field map layout.

    Update your plugin to acquire the functionality. We remain at your service.

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